Yong-Yeol “YY” Ahn

Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research
Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Indiana University Bloomington

Email: yyahn@iu.edu
Curriculum Vitae: cv.pdf

⚠️ @yy@twitter.com is NOT my account

Working with Network Data

Jim Bagrow and I wrote a book and you can order it here. Click the cover image for more information!


Yong-Yeol (YY) Ahn is a Professor at Indiana University School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering. He was a Visiting Professor at MIT during 2020-2021. Before joining Indiana University, he worked as a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Complex Network Research at Northeastern University and as a visiting researcher at the Center for Cancer Systems Biology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute after earning his PhD in Statistical Physics from KAIST in 2008. His research focuses on developing network science and machine learning methods, and applying them to complex social and biological systems. He is a recipient of several awards including Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship and LinkedIn Economic Graph Challenge.

Please visit my publication page or Google scholar profile for the more details on my publications.

Selected Works

(underlined authors contributed equally)

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    Uncovering the universal dynamics of citation systems: From science of science to law of law and patterns of patents
    Sadamori Kojaku, Robert Mahari, Sandro Claudio Lera, Esteban Moro, Alex Pentland, and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Submitted (2024)

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    Working with Network Data: A Data Science Perspective
    James Bagrow and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Cambridge University Press (2024)
    Homepage | Cambridge Press | Amazon

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    Implicit degree bias in the link prediction task
    Rachith Aiyappa, Xin Wang, Munjung Kim, Ozgur Can Seckin, Jisung Yoon, Yong-Yeol Ahn, and Sadamori Kojaku
    Submitted (2024)

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    Emergence of simple and complex contagion dynamics from weighted belief networks
    Rachith Aiyappa, Alessandro Flammini, and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Science Advances 10, eadh4439 (2024)
    Link | arXiv | PDF | Code

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    Unsupervised embedding of trajectories captures the latent structure of scientific migration
    Dakota Murray, Jisung Yoon, Sadamori Kojaku, Rodrigo Costas, Woo-Sung Jung, Staša Milojević, Yong-Yeol Ahn
    PNAS 120, e2305414120 (2023)
    Link | arXiv | PDF | Data | Code
    조선일보 | 매일경제

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    Cooperation and interdependence in global science funding
    Lili Miao, Vincent Larivière, Feifei Wang, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Cassidy R. Sugimoto

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    Network community detection via neural embeddings
    Sadamori Kojaku, Filippo Radicchi, Yong-Yeol Ahn, and Santo Fortunato

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    AI exposure predicts unemployment risk
    Morgan Frank, Yong-Yeol Ahn, and Esteban Moro

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    The latent structure of global scientific development
    Lili Miao, Dakota Murray, Woo-Sung Jung, Vincent Larivière, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Nature Human Behaviour 6, 1206 (2022)
    Link | arXiv | PDF | Code | Data

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    Residual2Vec: Debiasing graph embedding with random graphs
    Sadamori Kojaku, Jisung Yoon, Isabel Constantino, Yong-Yeol Ahn
    NeurIPS (2021)
    Link | PDF | arXiv | Code

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    FrameAxis: characterizing microframe bias and intensity with word embedding
    Haewoon Kwak, Jisun An, Elise Jing, Yong-Yeol Ahn
    PeerJ Computer Science 7, e644 (2021)
    Link | PDF | arXiv

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    Neural Embeddings of Scholarly Periodicals Reveal Complex Disciplinary Organizations
    Hao Peng, Qing Ke, Ceren Budak, Daniel Romero, Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Science Advances 7, eabb9004 (2021).
    Link | PDF | arXiv | Code | Data

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    Persona2vec: A Flexible Multi-role Representations Learning Framework for Graphs
    Jisung Yoon, Kai-Cheng Yang, Woo-Sung Jung, Yong-Yeol Ahn
    PeerJ Computer Science 7, e439 (2021)
    Link | PDF | arXiv | Code

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    The effectiveness of backward contact tracing in networks
    Sadamori Kojaku, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Enys Mones, Sune Lehmann, Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Nature Physics (2021)
    Link | PDF | arXiv | Code
    Nature Physics News & Views | Washington Post | Frankfurter Allgemeine | F.A.Z. Wissen - Der Podcast

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    Global labor flow network reveals the hierarchical organization and dynamics of geo-industrial clusters
    Jaehyuk Park, Ian B. Wood, Elise Jing, Azadeh Nematzadeh, Souvik Ghosh, Michael D. Conover, and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Nature Communications 10, 3449 (2019)
    Link | PDF | Code
    Phys.org | Science Daily | Inside Indiana Business | Crimson Catalyst | Other coverage

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    Element-centric clustering comparison unifies overlaps and hierarchy
    Alexander J. Gates, Ian B. Wood, William P. Hetrick, and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Scientific Reports 9, 8574 (2019)
    Link | PDF | Code

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    Optimal modularity and memory capacity of neural reservoirs
    Nathaniel Rodriguez, Eduardo Izquierdo, and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Network Neuroscience 3, 551 (2019)
    Link | PDF | Code

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    Factors affecting sex-related reporting in medical research: a cross-disciplinary bibliometric analysis
    Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Elise Smith, Benoit Macaluso, and Vincent Larivière
    Lancet 393 9-15 (2019)
    Link | PDF | Code
    Guardian | Reuters | Japan News | Wired | Other coverages

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    SemAxis: A Lightweight Framework to Characterize Domain-Specific Word Semantics Beyond Sentiment
    Jisun An, Haewoon Kwak, and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    ACL’18 (2018)
    Link | arXiv | PDF | Data and code

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    Cooperative and Competitive Spreading Dynamics on the Human Connectome
    B. Mišić, R. F. Betzel, A. Nematzadeh, J. Goñi, A. Griffa, P. Hagmann, A. Flammini, Y.-Y. Ahn, and O. Sporns
    Neuron 86, 1518 (2015)
    Link | PDF
    IUB News

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    Optimal Network Modularity for Information Diffusion
    Azadeh Nematzadeh, Emilio Ferrara, Alessandro Flammini, and Yong-Yeol Ahn
    Physical Review Letters (Editors’ suggestion) 113, 088701 (2014)
    Link | Erratum | arXiv | PDF

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    A Network Framework of Cultural History
    Maximilian Schich, Chaoming Song, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Alexander Mirsky, Mauro Martino, Albert-László Barabási, and Dirk Helbing
    Science 345, 558 (2014)
    Link | PDF | Project page | Nature video: Charting culture
    Nature News | National Geographic | Business Insider | The Times | Daily Mail | Spiegel | Scientific American | NPR | 동아사이언스

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    Virality Prediction and Community Structure in Social Networks
    L. Weng, F. Menczer, and Y.-Y. Ahn
    Scientific Reports 3, 2522 (2013)
    Link | arXiv | PDF | Slides | Project page | Data
    Scientific American | IEEE SPECTRUM

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    Flavor network and the principles of food pairing
    Y.-Y. Ahn, S. Ahnert, J. P. Bagrow, and A.-L. Barabási
    Scientific Reports 1, 196 (2011)
    Link | arXiv | PDF | Hi-res Fig 2 | poster | Data
    Nature News | Scientific American | Technology Review | List of media coverage

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    Evidence for Network Evolution in an Arabidopsis Interactome Map
    Arabidopsis Interactome Mapping Consortium
    Science 333, 601 (2011)
    Link | PDF

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    Pulse of the Nation: visualizing the mood of twitter
    A. Mislove, S. Lehmann, Y.-Y. Ahn, J.-P. Onnela, J. N. Rosenquist
    Project page | YouTube |
    Slashdot | NewScientist | CBS | BBC | NYTimes | and more

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    Link communities reveal multiscale complexity in networks
     Y.-Y. Ahn, J. P. Bagrow, and S. Lehmann
    Nature 466, 761 (2010)
    Link | arXiv | PDF | source codes & visualization | Talk slides
    news@Northeastern | 한겨레 사이언스온

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    Analysis of Topological Characteristics of Huge Online Social Networking Services
    Y.-Y. Ahn, S. Han, H. Kwak, S. Moon, and H. Jeong
    WWW’07 (2007)
    PDF | Updated & corredted PDF | Data